Women’s Bodies: un importante convegno della Society for Women in Philosophy (Irlanda) il 21-22 Novembre - Il Corpo

Women’s Bodies: un importante convegno della Society for Women in Philosophy (Irlanda) il 21-22 Novembre

E’ il più interessante convegno del 2014 sul tema del Corpo (femminile) di genere. Oltre 40 relazioni lo affrontano da una prospettiva filosofica e sociopolitica. Tra gli argomenti delle sessioni di lavoro: la costruzione sociale delle donne, pornografia e violenza sessuale, maternità e maternità surrogata, il bel-corpo, l’approccio storico al corpo di genere, il corpo lesbico,  ecc. 21-22 novembre a Dublino. Registrazione obbligatoria. Partecipazione internazionale ‘alta’ e molte relazioni con titoli significativi. Poche le presenze italiane: Nicla Vassallo (Genova), Carlotta Cossutta (Verona), Valeria Venditti (Roma), Cristina Amoretti (Genova).

Impressionante l’assenza della psicoanalisi: solo perché è una Società di Filosofia?

Se possible, da non perdere. Rimane la malinconia per la mancanza di un equivalente italiano sia della Society che di un evento di questo tipo e portata. (enrico pozzi)

Link: http://www.swip-ireland.com/index.php/events/swip-ireland-annual-conference-2014 



SWIP Ireland Annual Conference 2014 Programme

21-22 November, 2014
Newman House, Dublin, Ireland


Friday 21 November, 2014

Morning Sessions
9.00 – 9.30Registration and Welcome
9.30 – 10.30

Plenary Address I
Lillian Alweiss (Trinity College Dublin) 
‘Why the Self is not Embodied’

10.30 – 11.00Coffee Break

11.00 – 13.00Parallel Session 1: New Developments in Feminist Philosophy
11.00- 11.30 

Clara Cecilia Fischer (London School of Economics and Political Science, UK) 
‘Turning to Affect: Shame and Embodiment in Feminist Philosophy’


Emily Jones (SOAS, London UK)
‘Towards a feminine morphology of/in international law’

12.00- 12.30

Matthew Cull (University of St Andrews, UK)
‘Anti-Essentialism and the Intelligibility Problem’


Janelle Pötzsch (Ruhr –Universitat Bochum, Germany)
‘Liberating for whom? Biotechnologies and women’s status’

11.00 – 13.00Parallel Session 2: The Body Politics
11.00- 11.30

Caroline Glorie (University of Liège, Belgium)
‘A body’s narrative: appropriation of abortion, between decision and legal abnormality’

11.30- 12.00

Amy L. McKiernan (Vanderbilt University, USA)
‘Hate Silence and Abortion: Do Women Deserve Better?’

12.00- 12.30

Roja Fazaeli (Trinity College Dublin)
‘Women’s bodies in Islam: narratives of life and death’

12.30- 13.00

Dianna Taylor (John Carroll University, USA)
‘Militant Feminism’

13.00 – 14.00

Lunch Break



Afternoon Sessions




Parallel Session 3: Pregnancy/Surrogacy 2

14.00- 14.30

 Valeria Venditti (La Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy)
‘The narrative erasure of maternal bodies’

 14.30- 15.00

Sara Cohen Shabot (University of Haifa, Israel)
‘Laboring with Beauvoir: In Search of the Embodied Subject (lost) in Childbirth’

 15.00- 15.30

Hannah Carnegy (University College London, UK)
‘The Body as a Commodity – What is Special About Surrogacy or Prostitution?’

 15.30- 16.00

Mary Shanahan (St. Angela’s College, Sligo, Ireland)
‘In Absentia: Levinas and Pregnancy’


Ursula Del Aguila (Paris 8, Saint Denis, France)
‘From the Homunculus to the Artificial Womb: Erasing the Maternal Body’


Parallel Session 4: Pornography and Power


Daisy Dixon (Peterhouse, University of Cambridge, UK)
‘Through Thick and Thin: Silencing and the Illocutionary Act of Refusal’


Natalie Nenadic (University of Kentucky, USA)
Heidegger, Pornography, and Technology: Rethinking Freedom in the Age of the Internet


Lillian O’Brien (University College Cork, Ireland)
‘Pornography and Propaganda’


Nicolle Hall (University of Edinburgh, UK)
‘Sexiness, Film and Porn’


Carlotta Cossutta (University of Verona, Italy)
‘Motherhood and Biopolitics. Knots of power between science and naturalization’



16.30-17.00Coffee Break


Plenary Address II
Rae Langton (University of Cambridge, UK)
‘Speech and the accommodation of women’s bodies’







Saturday 22 November, 2014

Morning Sessions


Parallel Session 5: The Social Construction of the Female 

9.30- 10.00

Kate Phelan (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia)
‘What is a Woman?’

10.00- 10.30

Sophia Pavlos (Michigan State University, USA)
‘Strategic Knowledge: Property Models of the Body’

10.30- 11.00

Mindi Torrey (Michigan State University, USA)
‘Creative Knowing: Fleshing Epistemic Subjects’


Coffee Break

11.30- 12.00

Roma Hernández (Rice University, USA)
‘Gendered Bodies and Inferences to Neuro-Essentialism’

12.00- 12.30

Abigail Klassen (York University, Canada)
‘The Social Construction of ‘Woman’: Emancipation or Snafu?’


Mona Gerardin-Laverge (Sorbonne, France)
‘Performativity of language, gendered bodies and feminist empowerment’


Parallel Session 6: Themes from History of Ideas and Literature

9.30- 10.00

Susan Gottlöber (NUI Maynooth, Ireland)
‘Same Same but Different? Perspectives on Gender Differences in Renaissance Thought’

10.00- 10.30

Katherine O’Donnell (University College Dublin, Ireland)
‘For she was both a man and a woman: Constructions of the Lesbian Body in Dublin 1732-1736’

10.30- 11.00 

Clemence Saintemarie (University College Dublin, Ireland)
‘Resisting Dis-Embodiment: Ambiguous Bodily Imaginaries and Female Desire in Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale’

11.00- 11.30

Coffee Break


Alice Podkolinski (University College London, UK)
‘Becomings and Goings: Mapping the Transgression of Public and Maternal Spaces in Doris Lessing’s Marriages Between Zones Three, Four and Five’

12.00- 12.30

Jessie Patella (Duquesne University, USA)
‘The Mystical Writings of Hadewijch as Ecriture Feminine’



13.00- 14.30

Lunch Break

13.10- 14.30

AGM Of SWIP Ireland (sandwiches and coffee will be provided)

Afternoon Sessions


Parallel Session 7: Pregnancy and Surrogacy 2

14.00- 14.30

Luna Dolezal (TCD, Ireland/Durham, UK)
‘Embodied Hospitality in the Case of Commercial Surrogacy: Welcoming the Other’

14.30- 15.00

Hannah Carnegy (University College London, UK)
‘The Body as a Commodity – What is Special About Surrogacy or Prostitution?’

15.00- 15.30

Emily Lauren Putnam (Institute for Doctoral Studies in the Visual Arts, USA)
‘Reflective Trans-subjectivity: An Aesthetic Investigation of Pregnancy’

15.30- 16.00 

Maeve Kelly (University College Dublin, Ireland)
‘Mother and Infant as a Combined and Complementary Physical and Mental Identity’


Lauren Freeman (University of Louisville, USA)
Saray Ayala (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid/MIT)
Andrea Smith (McMaster University)
Via Skype
‘The Placental Microbiome and the Risk of (more) Policing of Women’s Bodies’




Parallel Session 8: Rape and Violence

14.30- 15.00

Alasia Nuti (Pembroke College, Cambridge, UK)
‘Sharing responsibility for Intimate Partner Violence Prevention: The Social Connection Model and the Bystander Approach’

15.00- 15.30 

Diana Tietjens Meyers (University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA)
‘Victims of Trafficking, Reproductive Rights, and Asylum’ 

15.30- 16.00 

Bonnie Mann (University of Oregon, USA)
‘Gendered Play and Gendered Torture: The Paradoxes of Gender in U.S. Nationalism After 9/11/2001’ 


Cristina Amoretti & Nicla Vassallo (University of Genoa, Italy)
‘Intersexuality as a threat against sex dualism’


Parallel Session 9: Beauty


Carla Milani Damião (UvA – The Netherlands/UFG – Brazil)
How can women be sublime? Feminist Aesthetics concerning matters of taste’


Barbara J. Lowe (St. John Fisher College, USA)
‘Slathered, Zapped, Nipped, and Tucked: Bioethics and the Medical Practice of Advertising and Offering Cosmetic Treatments in a Dermatological Practice’


Alison Ainley (Anglia Ruskin University, UK)
‘Simone de Beauvoir on old Old Age’


Jen Rinaldi (Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada)
Andrea Lamarre (University of Guelph, Canada)
Carla Rice (University of Guelph, Canada)
‘Recovering Bodies: The Production of the Recoverable Subject in Eating Disorder Treatment Regimes’




Coffee Break




Plenary Address III
Gail Weiss (George Washington University, USA)
‘A Genealogy of Women’s (Un)Ethical Bodies’


Dublin Pubs



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